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Front-end Developer Handbook 2019 Written bySponsored by, advancing your skills with in-depth, modern front-end engineering coursesDownload: Overview:This is a guide that everyone can use to learn about the practice of front-end development. It broadly outlines and discusses the practice of front-end engineering: how to learn it and what tools are used when practicing it in 2019.It is specifically written with the intention of being a professional resource for potential and currently practicing front-end developers to equip themselves with learning materials and development tools. Secondarily, it can be used by managers, CTOs, instructors, and head hunters to gain insights into the practice of front-end development.The content of the handbook favors web technologies (HTML, CSS, DOM, and JavaScript) and those solutions that are directly built on top of these open technologies. The materials referenced and discussed in the book are either best in class or the current offering to a problem.The book should not be considered a comprehensive outline of all resources available to a front-end developer. The value of the book is tied up in a terse, focused, and timely curation of just enough categorical information so as not to overwhelm anyone on any one particular subject matter.The intention is to release an update to the content yearly.

This is currently the fourth year an edition has been released.What is in this Handbook:Chapter provides a lite recap of the year in front-end development and what may be to come. Chapter & aim to give a brief overview of the discipline and practice of front-end development. Chapters & organize and recommend learning paths and resources. Chapter organizes and list the tools used by front-end developers and Chapter highlights front-end information outlets.Contribute content, suggestions, and fixes on github.

Recap of 2018 and Looking Forward 0.1 — Recap of Front-end Development in 2018. React had several notable releases this past year that included, and. Yeah, that happened. Fonts created by CSS became a. What I used to call front-end driven apps, gets labeled. Unfortunately, this term is. However, the term does seem to be with developers.

Google offered some neat tools this year to help make webpages load faster, i.e. And.more than React this year. But React remains dominant in of. A solution similar to React, without a virtual DOM or JSX, is introduced. Alternatives to NW.js and Electron show up, and. In 2017 the divide between a v.s.

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In 2018 that and more start to. This year, like most recent years, was stock full of app/framework solutions trying to contend with the mainstream JavaScript app tools (i.e. ) Let me list them for you.,. JavaScript frameworks start offering their own languages that compile to JavaScript (e.g.

).evolves to become the dominant solution for online code sharing.and are fully supported in modern browsers and get taken for some serious rides. But many are left when to.Many realize the long terms costs of bolted on type systems (e.g. TypeScript and Flow). Some concluded bolted on systems are not unlike bolted on module systems (i.e. AMD/Require.js) and come with. Minimally, many developers realize that if types are needed in large code bases, that bolted on systems are not ideal in comparison to languages that have them baked in (e.g., ).gain among modern web browsers.

The flavors of exploded and question the practice.are now usable in modern browsers and are close behind. We are even seeing a shift in around this fact. Many realize that end to end testing is the starting point of doing tests correctly in large part due to (i.e. Cypress first, then ). While was heavily used again this year, many developers found to be easier to get up and running. One of the most important questions asked this year was, what is the.

That's a big deal because the last major release was almost three years ago. The reality of too much JavaScript change too fast is realized and people start about what you need to know before you can even learn something like React. The fight is real. Most developers found GraphQL, via, and as the next evolution for data API's. Gulp and friends definitely took a back seat to.

But this did not stop Microsoft from getting in the game with. This year, one can not only lint/hint HTML, CSS, and JavaScript they can itself. The is worth reading if only to realize just how much jQuery is still used. It gained a lot of users this year., as the code editor of choice.0.2 — In 2019, Expect. Hopefully, more of this to come. '. Still a good idea to keep an eye on and learn about the up coming additions (and potential additions) to CSS via.

The image format from Google could reach.will continue to cook.will continue to gain massive adoption. The, ' survey authors will add a ' survey in 2019. Keep an eye on. Someone you know will try and convince you to use.

Babel will get some competition from. The case for, 's will.

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More developers will turn to languages like over JavaScript/TypeScript for large code bases. More, will start to shed jQuery in favor of native DOM solutions.! At this point, I have no idea how Web Components will play out.


Reality is they are not going away, and they have not gained a lot of momentum/usage once the hype ended. What Is a Front-end Developer?This chapter provides a baseline explanation for front-end development and the front-end developer discipline.Front-end web development, also known as client-side development is the practice of producing HTML, CSS and JavaScript for a website or Web Application so that a user can see and interact with them directly. The challenge associated with front end development is that the tools and techniques used to create the front end of a website change constantly and so the developer needs to constantly be aware of how the field is developing.The objective of designing a site is to ensure that when the users open up the site they see the information in a format that is easy to read and relevant. This is further complicated by the fact that users now use a large variety of devices with varying screen sizes and resolutions thus forcing the designer to take into consideration these aspects when designing the site. The Practice of Front-end Development: OverviewThis chapter will break down and broadly describes the practice of front-end engineering starting with, 'How Front-End Developers Are Made'.

2.1 - How Front-End Developers Are MadeHow exactly does one become a front-end developer? Well, it's complicated. Just consider this road map:Image source:Today, in general, one can't go to college and expect to graduate with a degree in front-end engineering.

And, I rarely hear of or meet front-end developers who suffered through what is likely a deprecated computer science degree or graphic design degree to end up writing HTML, CSS, and JavaScript professionally. From my perspective, most of the people working on the front-end today generally seem to be self-taught from the ground up or cross over into the front-end space from design or computer science fields.If you were to set out today to become a front-end developer I would loosely strive to follow the process outlined below (Chapter 3 and Chapter 4 will dive into more details on learning resources). Learn, roughly, how the works. Make sure you know the 'what' and 'where' of.

Don't dive deep on anything just yet, just aim to understand the parts at play and how they loosely fit together. Start by building simple web pages. Learn DOM. Learn the fundamentals of user interface design (i.e. UI patterns, interaction design, user experience design, and usability). Learn CLI/command line.

Learn the practice of software engineering (i.e., Application design/architecture, templates, Git, testing, monitoring, automating, code quality, development methodologies). Get opinionated and customize your tool box with whatever makes sense to your brain (e.g. Webpack, React, and Mobx). Learn Node.jsA short word of advice on learning. Don't learn jQuery, learn the DOM.

Don't learn SASS, learn CSS. Don't learn JSX, learn HTML.

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Don't learn TypeScript, learn JavaScript. Don't learn Handlebars, learn JavaScript ES6 templates. Don't just use Bootstrap, learn UI patterns.Lately a lot of non-accredited, expensive, front-end code schools/bootcamps have emerged. These avenues of becoming a front-end developer are typically teacher directed courses, that follow a more traditional style of learning, from an official instructor (i.e., syllabus, test, quizzes, projects, team projects, grades, etc.).Keep in mind, if you are considering an expensive training program, this is the web! Everything you need to learn is on the web for the taking, costing little to nothing.

However, if you need someone to tell you how to take and learn what is low cost to free, and hold you accountable for learning it, you should consider a traditional instructor lead class room setting. Otherwise, I am not aware of any other profession that is practically free for the taking with an internet connection, a, and a burning desire for knowledge.For example, if you want to get going today, consuming one or more of the following self-directed resources below can work:.read.watch.watch$.watch$.watch$.watch$.watch$.interactivewatchWhen getting your start, you should fear most things that conceal complexity. Abstractions (e.g.

JQuery) in the wrong hands can give the appearance of advanced skills, while all the time hiding the fact that a developer has an inferior understanding of the basics or underlying concepts.It is assumed that on this journey you are not only learning, but also doing as you learn and investigate tools. Some suggest only doing to learn. While others suggest only learning about doing. I suggest you find a mix of both that matches how your brain works and do that. But, for sure, it is a mix! So, don't just read about it, do it.

Repeat indefinitely because things change fast. This is why learning the fundamentals, and not abstractions, are so important. 2.2 - Front-End Job Titles.

On the one side, you have JavaScript-focused programmers who write JavaScript for front-end runtimes that likely have computer science skills with a software development history. They more than likely view HTML and CSS as an abstraction (i.e. On the other side, you have, most likely, non-computer science educated developers who focus on HTML, CSS, and JavaScript as it specifically pertains to the UI.

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In 2019, when entering or trying to understand the front-end developer space you will absolutely feel this divide. The term front-end developer is on the verge of meaninglessness without clarifying words to address what type of front-end developer is being discussed.Below is a list and description of various front-end job titles (Keep in mind titles are ). The common, or most used (i.e., generic), title for a front-end developer is, 'front-end developer' or 'front-end engineer'. Learning Front-end Dev: Self Directed Resources/RecommendationsThis chapter highlights the many resources (video training, books, etc.) that an individual can use to direct their own learning process and career as a front-end developer.The learning resources identified (articles, books, videos, screencasts etc.) will include both free and paid material. Paid material will be indicated with $. Learn Internet/WebThe Internet is a global system of interconnected computer networks that use the Internet protocol suite (TCP/IP) to link several billion devices worldwide.

It is a network of networks that consists of millions of private, public, academic, business, and government networks of local to global scope, linked by a broad array of electronic, wireless, and optical networking technologies. The Internet carries an extensive range of information resources and services, such as the inter-linked hypertext documents and applications of the World Wide Web (WWW), electronic mail, telephony, and peer-to-peer networks for file sharing.—Image source:.watch.watch.read. How does the Internet work? And read.watch.watch.watch.read.Image source: 3.2.

Learn Web BrowsersA web browser (commonly referred to as a browser) is a software application for retrieving, presenting, and traversing information resources on the World Wide Web. An information resource is identified by a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI/URL) and may be a web page, image, video or other piece of content.

Hyperlinks present in resources enable users easily to navigate their browsers to related resources. Learning Front-end Dev: Instructor Directed Resources/RecommendationsThis chapter highlights a few options for instructor directed learning via front-end development schools, courses, programs, and bootcamps.The table below contains a small selection of instructor-led courses (i.e. Programs, schools, and bootcamps). Use the table to get a general idea of what is available, the cost, duration, and locations of courses. (Be aware the information can change quickly) companyprogramprice estimateon siteremotedurationBetamore3,000Baltimore, MD10 weeksBLOC4,999yes16 weeks @ 25hr/wk or 32 weeks @ 10hr/wkGeneral Assembly3,500multiple locations3 hrs/day 2 days/wk for 8 weeksThinkful300 per monthyes15 hrs/wk for 3 monthsTuring School of Software & Design20,000Denver, CO7 months full time.

Front-end Dev ToolsThis chapter identifies the tools of the trade. Make sure you understanding the category that a set of tools falls within, before studying the tools themselves. Note that just because a tool is listed, or a category of tools is documented, this does not equate to an assertion on my part that a front-end developer should learn it and use it. Choose your own toolbox. I'm just providing the common toolbox options.