Ortho-gillingham Reading Program
The Orton-Gillingham Approach to instruction was developed in the early-20th century.It is language-based, multisensory, structured, sequential, cumulative, and flexible.The Orton-Gillingham Approach has been in use since the 1930s. An intensive, sequential -based system teaches the basics of word formation before whole meanings. The method accommodates and utilizes three learning modalities, or pathways, through which people learn—visual, auditory and kinesthetic.
Unlike some scripted and rigid reading programs, the Orton-Gillingham Approach is a system that allows for flexibility. Contents.Orton and Gillingham (1879–1948), a neuropsychiatrist and at, brought together neuroscientific information and principles of remediation. As early as the 1920s, he had extensively studied children with the kind of language processing difficulties now commonly associated with and had formulated a set of teaching principles and practices for such children.(1878–1963) was an and at Teachers College,. Working with Dr. Orton, she trained teachers and compiled and published instructional materials. Gillingham combined Orton’s teaching methods with her analysis of the structure of the English/American language and with Bessie Stillman, she wrote what has become the Orton–Gillingham manual: Remedial Training for Children with Specific Disability in Reading, Spelling and Penmanship.
First published in 1935/6, this work is updated and republished regularly.Features of the Approach Language-based: The Orton-Gillingham approach is based on a technique of studying and teaching language, understanding the nature of human language, the mechanisms involved in learning, and the language-learning processes in individuals.Multisensory: Orton-Gillingham teaching sessions are action-oriented and involve constant interaction between the teacher and the student and the simultaneous use of multiple sensory input channels reinforcing each other for optimal learning. Using auditory, visual, and kinesthetic elements, all language skills taught are reinforced by having the student listen, speak, read and write.
For example, a dyslexic learner is taught to see the letter A, say its name and sound and write it in the air – all at the same time. The approach requires intense instruction with ample practice.The use of multiple input channels is thought to enhance memory storage and retrieval by providing multiple 'triggers' for memory.Structured, Sequential, and Cumulative: The Orton-Gillingham teacher introduces the elements of the language systematically. Sound-symbol associations along with linguistic rules and generalizations are introduced in a linguistically logical, understandable order. Students begin by reading and writing sounds in isolation. Then they blend the sounds into syllables and words. Students learn the elements of language—consonants, vowels, blends, and —in an orderly fashion.
They then proceed to advanced structural elements such as syllable types, roots, and affixes. As students learn new material, they continue to review old material to the level of automaticity. The teacher addresses vocabulary, sentence structure, composition, and reading comprehension in a similar structured, sequential, and cumulative manner.Cognitive: Students learn about the history of the and study the many generalizations and rules that govern its structure. They also learn how best they can learn and apply the language knowledge necessary for achieving reading and writing competencies.Flexible: Orton-Gillingham teaching is diagnostic and prescriptive in nature. Teachers try to ensure the learner is not simply recognizing a pattern and applying it without understanding. When the confusion of a previously taught rule is discovered, it is re-taught from the beginning., Ph.D., from the at the said, 'If we can identify children at risk effectively very early, we know the literature supports that early interventions are most effective not only for learning to read, but we also hope in any discouragement the child might have about his or her first major educational experience.
If you could identify a problem before it plays out you can support a child in a way that doesn’t make them feel defeated.” Research support In 2000, the National Reading Panel included the Orton-Gillingham method in their study, 'Teaching Children to Read: An Evidence-Based Assessment of the Scientific Research Literature on Reading and Its Implications for Reading Instruction.' The Panel supported the significance of offering classroom instruction in phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension.The Florida Center for Reading Research reported in 2006 that it was unable to identify any empirical studies examining the efficacy of the approach specifically as described in Orton-Gillingham training materials. Thus there was no direct research evidence to determine its effectiveness, although there are a variety of studies of derivative methods that incorporate aspects of Orton-Gillingham in combination with other techniques.An overview of all reported studies of Orton-Gillingham derivative methods, such as Alphabetic Phonics or Project Read, revealed only a dozen studies with inconsistent results and a variety of methodological flaws. The structured flexibility of Orton-GillinghamBB Sheffield - Annals of Dyslexia, 1991 - Springer. Sherman, Gordon.
Can Neuroscience Help to Demystify Dyslexia? Schwab Learning. Retrieved from October 8, 2007. Gabrieli, John D.E., Ph.D. 5 Things We Learned About The Dyslexic Brain From An MIT Neuroscientist.
IMSE Journal. Retrieved from November 15, 2017. Langengerg, Ph.D, Daniel. National Reading Panel. Retrieved 26 May 2016. Hughes, S.
(10 February 2014). Retrieved 26 May 2016. (PDF). Florida Center for Reading Research.
Retrieved 2007-05-23. Cite journal requires journal=. Ritchey, K.D.; Goeke, J.L. The Journal of Special Education. 40 (3): 171–183. (PDF).
US Dept of Education. Retrieved 2011-03-14 Cite journal requires journal=. Use of an Orton-Gillingham approach to teach a to dyslexic/learning-disabled students: Explicit teaching of phonology in a second language.RL Sparks, L Ganschow, S Kenneweg - Annals of Dyslexia, 1991 - psycnet.apa.org. DYSLEXIA REVISITED: HISTORY, EDUCATIONAL PHILOSOPHY, AND CLINICAL ASSESSMENT APPLICATIONS.KJ Rooney - Intervention in School & Clinic, 1995. Turner, III, Herbert M. 'This systematic review empirically documents that the effectiveness of Orton-Gillingham and Orton-Gillingham-based reading instruction remains to be determined'.
Orton Gillingham Tutors
Evidence-Based Communication Assessment and Intervention. 2 (2): 67–69.