Rush 2112 Remastered Raritan

Click to expand.I'm one of them. Personally, I think it's because MFSL tends to master things with a lot of high end 'detail', which is nice for some albums, but with Rush it tends to make things overly bright. 2112 and Permanent Waves are bright albums to begin with, adding any more top makes them unbearable.Also there seems to be some kind of compression-like effect on PeW in the midrange, which caught my ear right away. It just doesn't sound right.All in all, the SHM-CD is much more of an audiophile release than the MFSL. I'm one of them. Personally, I think it's because MFSL tends to master things with a lot of high end 'detail', which is nice for some albums, but with Rush it tends to make things overly bright.

  1. Rush Collection
  2. Rush 2112 Youtube
  3. Rush 2112 Remastered Raritan Valley

2112 and Permanent Waves are bright albums to begin with, adding any more top makes them unbearable.Also there seems to be some kind of compression-like effect on PeW in the midrange, which caught my ear right away. It just doesn't sound right.All in all, the SHM-CD is much more of an audiophile release than the MFSL. I think the MFSL is decent, but the Atomic soundly thrashes it. As usual for me with discs featuring the same mastering, I discerned zero difference between the 25 8P and the Atomic. But the 25 8P does have 'Dewey Defeat Truman', so it's the one I keep on my shelf.So once again the cheap disc is the responsible way to go or IMHO anyhow.Yes, 'Go Atomic!' For me the 25 8P mastering that was the strongest over all others is Hemispheres. The Atomic is very nice as well, but this was the only case in which I felt satisfied about the extra money I forked over.


Rush Collection

The unremastered disc (which is the same master all over the world apparently) blows it away. The Rush Remasters version is even worse, one of the worst of that series; very, very bright.I was rather surprised to find that the SHM-CD beats all the others, though. The Rush SHM-CDs are unique masters, I strongly recommend checking them out and adding them to the discussion in these threads, they were very carefully done and are nothing to sniff at. No limiting on them, and the EQ generally tends towards warm. If you like the sound of the Beatles remasters, you may very well enjoy the Rush SHM discs.IMO the SHM of Permanent Waves is the definitive mastering, but I prefer other versions for all the other albums I've heard so far.

Rush 2112 Youtube

Rush 2112 Remastered Raritan

The unremastered disc (which is the same master all over the world apparently) blows it away. The Rush Remasters version is even worse, one of the worst of that series; very, very bright.I was rather surprised to find that the SHM-CD beats all the others, though. The Rush SHM-CDs are unique masters, I strongly recommend checking them out and adding them to the discussion in these threads, they were very carefully done and are nothing to sniff at. No limiting on them, and the EQ generally tends towards warm. If you like the sound of the Beatles remasters, you may very well enjoy the Rush SHM discs.IMO the SHM of Permanent Waves is the definitive mastering, but I prefer other versions for all the other albums I've heard so far. Click to expand.I'll chime in here to defend the MOFI of Permanent Waves. They've added a little bass and notched out a bit of the upper mid-range.

Rush 2112 Remastered Raritan Valley

Geddy's voice sounds great.There is some peak limiting on it, but although I can see it in the waveforms, I don't believe I can hear it.One note: Natural Science did not need a cut in the upper mid-range IMO, and it comes off a little smiley faced sounding. I prefer the original US for Natural Science.I guess I need to check out the SHM. What's the price on them?