Vbs Delete All Files In A Folder And Subfolders In Yahoo

  1. Vbs Delete Files In Folder
  2. Vbscript Delete Read Only File
Vbs Delete All Files In A Folder And Subfolders In YahooRemove

Vbs Delete Files In Folder


Ok, Ive got a vbscript that iterates through a directory and its subfolders to retrieve a list of files.Example here: Set FSO = CreateObject('Scripting.FileSystemObject')ShowSubfolders FSO.GetFolder('C:Scripts')Sub ShowSubFolders(Folder)For Each Subfolder in Folder.SubFoldersWscript.Echo Subfolder.PathShowSubFolders SubfolderNextEnd SubNow this is great for getting an extensive list, but horrible on performance if there is a deep folder hierachy.So my question is, is there a way to edit this part of the script so that it only iterates through a set number of levels of subfolders? Due to the depths of folder structures an ideal amount of levels to drill down into would be 3 levels.

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Vbscript Delete Read Only File

In my opinion, it's not prudent to automatically delete all files in a user's temp folder without implementing some kind of aging (e.g., only delete files with a last write timestamp of two weeks or more). For example, a crashed application may be able torecover its data using data from the temp folder, and if you delete that data when the user logs on, you affect the application's ability to recover that data.It would be helpful if you would explain your purpose/goal (the what), rather thanhow you think you need to do it.- Bill Stewart BillStewart.