Phast Crack
Process hazard analysisPhast is the world’s most comprehensive process hazard analysis software tool for all stages of design and operation. Phast examines the progress of a potential incident from the initial release to far-field dispersion analysis including modelling of pool spreading and evaporation, and flammable and toxic effects. Consequence analysis tool. The industry standard consequence analysis tool for the analysis of flammable, fire, explosion and toxic hazards, used by over 800 organizations globally. Incorporates groundbreaking model development research work conducted with industry partners. Continuously developed by experts for over 30 years. Worldwide technical support and training.
Industry standard software for hazard analysisIn order to meet your risk management goals, you need a robust understanding of the hazards posed by a process facility. Use Phast to quickly and accurately assess the threat potentials posed by a diverse range of hazard types.
Key benefits of Phast software for precess hazard analysis. Trustworthy results – integrated models are constantly validated and verified. Extensive reporting capability – comprehensive reports and charts for easy, intuitive display of results, for example on location maps and plant layout diagrams. Wide applicability – various release types and sources can be modelled, e.g.
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From leaks, pipework, pipelines, ruptures, relief devices, vessel ruptures and more. Assess diverse hazards – assess a wide range of flammable and toxic hazards. Extensively validated models – Phast provides a comprehensive suite of extensively validated models for analysis of process industry hazards. User friendly – predefined linking of discharge, dispersion, pool, flammable and toxic effect calculations for ease of use3D Explosions extensionWith the 3D Explosions extension we bring advanced modelling capabilities to Phast, the world-leading process hazard analysis tool.
This includes 3D Explosion analysis, directional modelling and the ability to create composite hazard contours. What you get. DNV GL’s vast expertise and knowledge on modelling of explosions integrated into a software tool. Leading explosion assessment capability that reflects the latest advancements in vapour cloud explosion science and modelling (i.e. 3D Explosion modelling). Access to a host of advanced consequence modelling capability not available in the standard version of Phast.
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The extension supports compliance with guidelines on the design and location of occupied buildings subject to explosion hazards, including, for example, API RP 752 and API RP 753 and Facility siting considerations in general. More detailed consideration of explosions consequences in comparison to the standard version of PhastProcess industry hazard analysisExperience has shown that the damage potential to persons, equipment and buildings associated with explosions can be significant. Consequently, it is important that this kind of hazard is evaluated as robustly and rigorously as possible. The 3D Explosions extension brings advanced explosions modelling capability to the Phast platform and enables more detailed and extensive analysis of this threat.