Polaroid Stories Pdf Download
Author: Joel SalatinISBN: 962Genre: ReligionFile Size: 90.29 MBFormat: PDF, ePubDownload: 160Read: 521From Christian libertarian farmer Joel Salatin, a clarion call to readers to honor the animals and the land, and produce food based on spiritual principles. What on earth is THE MARVELOUS PIGNESS OF PIGS? It's an inspiring call to action for people of faith. A heartfelt plea to heed the Bible's guidance.
It's an important and thought-provoking explanation of how by simply appreciating the marvelous pigness of pigs, we are celebrating the Glory of God. As a man of deep faith and student of the Bible, and as a respected and successful ecological family farmer, Joel Salatin knows that God created heaven and earth and meant for all living organisms to be true to their nature and their endowed holy purpose. He intended for us to respect and care for His gift of creation, not to ravage and mistreat it for our own pleasure or wealth. The example that inspires the book's title explains what Salatin means: when huge corporate farms confine pigs in cramped and dark pens, inject them with antibiotics and feed them herbicide-saturated food simply to increase profits, they are not respecting them as a creation of God or allowing them to express even their most rudimentary uniqueness - that special role that is part of His design.
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Every living organism has a God-given uniqueness to its life that must be honored and respected, and too often that is not happening today. Salatin shows us the long overlooked ethics and instructions in the Bible for how to eat, how to shop, how to think about how we farm and feed the world. Through scripture and Biblical stories, he shows us why it's more vital than ever to look to the good book rather than corporate America when feeding the country and your family. Salatin makes a compelling case for Christian stewardship of the earth and how it relates to every action we take regarding our food. He also opens our eyes to a common misconception many Christians may have about environmentalism: it's not a bad thing, and definitely not just the province of secular liberals; it's really a very good thing, part of heeding God's Word. With warmth and with humor, but with no less piercing criticism of the industrial food complex, Salatin brings readers on a fascinating journey of farming, food and faith.
Readers will not say grace over their plates the same way ever again.Category: Religion. SwobodaISBN: 907Genre: ReligionFile Size: 38.52 MBFormat: PDF, ePub, MobiDownload: 285Read: 1219We live in a 24/7 culture of endless productivity, workaholism, distraction, burnout, and anxiety-a way of life to which we've sadly grown accustomed. This tired system of 'life' ultimately destroys our souls, our bodies, our relationships, our society, and the rest of God's creation. The whole world grows exhausted because humanity has forgotten to enter into God's rest. This book pioneers a creative path to an alternative way of existing. Combining creative storytelling, pastoral sensitivity, practical insight, and relevant academic research, Subversive Sabbath offers a unique invitation to personal Sabbath-keeping that leads to fuller and more joyful lives. Swoboda demonstrates that Sabbath is both a spiritual discipline and a form of social justice, connects Sabbath-keeping to local communities, and explains how God may actually do more when we do less.
He shows that the biblical practice of Sabbath-keeping is God's plan for the restoration and healing of all creation. The book includes a foreword by Matthew Sleeth.Category: Religion. Author: Sarah ArthurISBN: 715Genre: ReligionFile Size: 25.62 MBFormat: PDF, KindleDownload: 728Read: 324When Sarah and Tom Arthur were appointed to a suburban church after three years in an urban Christian community, they faced a unique challenge: how to translate the practices of 'radical' faith into their new context. Together with their friends and fellow church members Erin and Dave Wasinger, the Arthurs embarked on a yearlong experiment to implement twelve small practices of radical faith-not waiting until they were out of debt or the kids were out of diapers or God sent them elsewhere, but right now. This book is Sarah and Erin's story, told with humor, theological reflection, and practical insight, exploring such practices as simplicity, hospitality, accountability, sustainability, and social justice-but, most of all, discernment.
Along the way readers will consider how God might be calling them to embark on their own year of small but radical changes, right where God has planted them. Each chapter includes discussion questions and suggested readings.
Foreword by Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove. For more information, visit www.YearofSmallThings.com(Religion. Author: Matthew SleethISBN: 768Genre: ReligionFile Size: 28.73 MBFormat: PDFDownload: 349Read: 1024The Bible talks about trees more than any living creation other than people. Perhaps you've missed the forest.and the trees. In this groundbreaking walk through Scripture, former physician and carpenter Dr. Matthew Sleeth makes the convincing case why trees are essential to every Christian's understanding of God. Yet we've mostly missed how God has chosen to tell His story-and ours-through the lens of trees.
There's a tree on the first page of Genesis and the last page of Revelation. The Bible refers to its wisdom as a Tree of Life (Proverbs 3:18). Every major Biblical character has a tree associated with them. Jesus himself says he is the true vine (John 15:1). A tree was used to kill Jesus-and a tree is the only thing the Messiah ever harmed. This is no accident.
When we subtract trees from Scripture, we miss lessons of faith necessary for our growth. This is the rare book that connects those who love the Creator with creation, and those who love creation with the Creator.
It offers inspirational yet practical ways to express our love for God-and our neighbors-by planting spiritual trees and physical trees in the world. Sleeth as he navigates the Bible's trail of trees to explore the wonders of life, death, and rebirth. You'll be amazed at how science is just beginning to catch up to the truths described in Scripture thousands of years ago. Once you discover the hidden language of trees, your walk through the woods-and through Scripture-will never be the same.Category: Religion.